| 1. | Tom : in recognition of the fine job you ' ve doing , we ' ve decided to promote you to assistant supervisor 汤姆?为了表扬?的优秀表现,我们决定升?为副主任。 |
| 2. | Jane : i ' m not a little thing . i ' m an assistant supervisor and a woman , and you ' re being inappropriate 阿珍?我不是小东西。我是副主管,是个女人。你表达得很不恰当。 |
| 3. | Finish the other tasks assigned by supervisor , and assistant supervisor on continuous efficiency improving 完成主管安排的其他任务,并积极配合主管不断提高工作效率。 |
| 4. | A supervisor and an assistant supervisor , formerly employed by a restaurant , were ordered to perform 100 hours and 200 hours of community service respectively for pocketing a total of 48 , 000 being th 两名曾受雇于酒楼的主管及助理主管,因侵吞一名下属共四万八千元的薪金,分别被判须履行一百小时及二百小时社会服务。 |
| 5. | A senior technician and an assistant supervisor formerly employed by a laboratory were each sentenced to 240 hours of community service for conspiring to forge reports of soil tests at a private property construction site 一间化验室的前高级技术员及前助理主任,串谋伪造一个私人物业建筑地盘的探土工程报告,各被判须履行二百四十小时社会服务。 |
| 6. | An assistant supervisor of a cake shop was sentenced to 240 hours of community service for submitting false attendant records with intent to deceive his employer into paying 26 , 860 in wages for part - time bakers 一名西饼店助理管工,提交虚假值勤记录,意图向雇主骗取二万六千八百六十元作为支付予兼职面包师傅的工资,被判须履行二百四十小时社会服务。 |
| 7. | Can be employed as museum assistant , tour escort for special interest tours , information officer in water tour companies , sales executive for cruises , tour manager for educational tours and assistant supervisor in tourism logistics companies 可持续发展旅游学(生态旅游、文化及海港旅游)高级文凭毕业生可担任的职位包括博物馆助理,特色旅行团导游,水上旅游公司的资料主任,营业员( |